Monday, May 23, 2011

Memorial Day Holiday

Students, the Distance Learning office will be closed for Memorial Day weekend. We will be on holiday from Saturday, May 28-30th. We will resume appointments on Tuesday, May 31st. If you need to visit with your teacher, please call and schedule an appointment or email us. Have a great weekend!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Summer Time

Spring classes have ended. We will be offering summer Distance Learning classes to students who were registered in Spring 2011. Registration for the summer will take place until the last week of May. Please call us if you have any questions regarding GED or ESOL Distance Learning summer classes.

Office hours beginning May 30th:
Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Friday and Saturday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Students currently enrolled in the DL Program will continue through the summer. If you plan on taking a long vacation, and will not actively be working on the DL website, please notify the Teacher so you are not dropped from the program. If an account goes inactive for 3 or more weeks, we are obligated to offer the website "seat" to another student. Teachers will be calling to make appointments for progress testing and tutoring sessions.
We look forward to a long and rewarding summer with all our students, but remember to take relaxing vacation time with family and friends!!

Margo Hernandez
DL Supervisor

Summer Schedule

Spring classes have ended a d most students now have the opportunity to continue their Adult Education classes through our Distance Learning Program . We will be registering students who attended Fall or Spring semester with NISD during the month of May. Please call our office to make an appointment.
Distance Learning summer hours:
Monday and Wednesday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Sights and Sounds of May

The sights and sounds of May are wonderful. Spring is whispering to us, rainfall will prepare us for the long summer, and winds allow us to fly kites with the ones we love.  The sounds of your teachers getting ready for summer are just as exciting.  We are preparing to keep our office open over the summer for your enjoyment. The advantages of on-line learning is the ability to work at your leisure from home, and know that you have support at every step, leap and bound.  It is our job to make sure you are progressing through the program, and you are being given the highest opportunities to make that progress.  It is your job to work on the programs and give it your best. Together, teacher and student, we make an awesome team.

As many of you have experienced in April, we started calling students in to take Progress test.  The progress test given serve several purposes. First, it allows us an opportunity to see that you are achieving the skills you need to move forward in your studies. Second, you are able to see areas of strengths and weaknesses, where you need to focus your learning. Lastly, it is required by the State of Texas that we give these progress test, and you make gains in order for us to remain open, funded, and here for you.  Without testing we would not be able to keep our doors open.  We will continue calling you in over the summer to do testing. It is done by appointment only, so be prepared.

I would like to welcome three new teachers to our Distance Learning Program: Erica Lopez will be teaching USA Learns, Joe Becht, who will also be teaching USA Learns and Noemi Nelson, GED Connections.  It is an honor to have them on our Distance Learning Team.
Thank you for being a part of Distance Learning,
Margo Hernandez
DL Supervisor

Please review the following information for your calendar:

May 5th and 6th:  Aztec students will not meet with teachers. Teachers will be in Austin for Professional Development.
May 14th:  Graduation for PACE Students
May 14th:  Regular Adult Education classes end for the year
May 18th:  Distance Learning office will close at 3:00pm for Teacher Appreciation Dinner
May 24th: Tumaini Graduation
May 30th:  Office Closed, Memorial Day
August 18th: GED Summer Graduation Ceremony