AZTEC (ABE) - Joe Becht

Aztec (Pre-GED): Joe Becht
   Office Phone: 210-397-7562 or 210-397-8962
                     Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 4 PM - 7 PM
                     3rd Saturday of the month

April 2013

Dear Students,

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and a great break. As of April 1st we are open regular hours and if you need to make an appointment, please call the office at (210) 397-7562.

Welcome to the five students that joined our class in March. Sadly we had two student leave the program and will be missed. We are now at a total of 30 students in the Aztec DL53 class.

I'd like to remind you to please continue the hard work, you are all doing a great job. Please remember to work your six hours a week.

The following students did an outstanding job in the month of March:

  • Franklin Barrera
  • Sandra Hernandez
  • Ricardo Hurtado
  • Andrew Max
  • As well as four students that prefer to remain anonymous

Thank you!

Happy  Valentine's Day!!
      We had 7 new students join our Aztec DL53 class. I would like to take this moment to welcome each one of you. Thank you for deciding to join us. Some students have transferred from another distance learning class. Congratulations on your progress!
     Many of you continued to work diligently through the winter break. That is the true spirit of a motivated student dedicated to his or her own progress. Aztec DL53 students are all hard working and motivated students.
     However, I did notice that in the past month there were exceptionally outstanding students. These students went beyond what is expected and what is assigned as homework. I share this so that they can be an inspiration and motivation to us all, including myself.
                                                      TOP STUDENTS FOR JANUARY
Ricardo Hurtado - model self learner, while most students wait to ask their teacher about a question or concern, Ricardo investigated answers on his own
Andrew Max - has made such great progress that he is the first in this class to start math lessons, he does homework daily online
Martin Romero - has made outstanding progress in speaking
Clara Segovia - this student along with a student that wants to remain anonymous have started to get together once a week to practice speaking English for at least an hour 
Thank you Aztec DL53 students for all your hard work and lets continue the awesome momentum through February. 

In February we have the following workshops available:
Writing Workshop February 14 1 PM-2 PM
Conversation Workshop February 12 1 PM-2 PM
Please keep in mind there are limited seats available for these workshops and you should sign up as soon as possible. 

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